воскресенье, 25 сентября 2011 г.

carpet information::Many of the components that make up carpeting can outgas a variety of chemicals into the air for a long period of time carpet information

carpet information carpet information::Many of the components that make up carpeting can outgas a variety of chemicals into the air for a long period of time.
Offgassing or outgassing refers to the release of gases during the life of a material.
Many of these gases are considered toxic to many people as well as the environment.
Heat and sunlight can increase the offgassing rate.
The padding used may also cause outgassing.
It is very difficult to find a carpet and pad manufactured with nontoxic materials, and we are lucky to have found a walltowall carpet, which is featured on this web site.
Another major problem with walltowall carpeting is the cleaning process.
It is impossible to remove all the soil and allergens that accumulate in carpet through daily vacuuming.
Inefficient filters in vacuums can cause the dust and allergens to become airborne.
Any damp cleaning method can allow mold, mildew, and dust mites to inundate the carpet.
Some people may be sensitive to the shampoos used.
Some professional cleaners may add insecticides or fungicides, which are toxic.
A central vacuum system is a good alternative.
These systems are built into the walls and have an exhaust pipe that releases the dust outside.
This system will eliminate the fine particles that can pass through the vacuum bags and release into your home.
To attain a truly healthy home, walltowall carpeting should be avoided.
There are wonderful alternatives to walltowall carpeting.
If you can install a hard surface floor wood, cork, tile, linoleum, bamboo, etc.
You can simply ad natural fiber area rugs.
These types of rugs are generally much easier to clean and are available in a variety of styles and patterns.
There are several people who prefer carpet and prior to purchasing should become an informed buyer.
It is important to find out the materials used in each component.
The process to manufacture the product.
Stain proofing or moth proofing treatments which may have been applied, installation methods required and recyclability.
Environmental impacts include the amount of fossil fuel required to produce carpet, transportation of the carpet, and disposing of carpet into landfills.
Some carpet manufacturers have initiated a recycling program.
The cost to the client has prevented many people from participating in these programs.
Many manufacturers are using a percentage of recycled content.
While this feature is good for the environment, it may still release toxins and be unsafe for people.
We look forward to a future of new and exciting products and better recycling programs, so everyone will benefit including this planet we all share.
carpet information::A wellloved household feature that has been part of
our lives carpet information

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